Thursday, April 23, 2009

If he only knew...

Catch's advice to Colt yesterday: "You should go to college because after you graduate you don't have to go to school anymore. Then you just go get a job and your life will be nice and smooth."

If he only could realize his life is the most "nice and smooth" right now!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Better late than never...

We spent Easter weekend in Texas with my mom. Saturday morning we went to a local church for a huge egg hunt and outdoor inflatable fun. After we got home we had another hunt at my mom's house because there was rain in the forecast for Sunday. The rest of the weekend included dying eggs, painting birdhouses, decorating sugar cookies and getting lots of love from my sister's baby, Devon. My camera (and sometimes my children) wasn't cooperating so the good pictures were few and far between.

Check out Chenna in the background. This is what happened after the bullhorn went off for the hunt to start and a million children darted after the eggs.

Colt and Catch's favorite activity...

Is there one under here?

One of our favorite things of the whole weekend - holding sweet Devon for the first time!