Friday, September 5, 2008

First Day of Sonshine School

Chenna was so excited about her first day of school she didn't quite know what to do!

She goes from this...

to this...

to this...

No, she is not throwing a fit in this picture, but instead she thinks screaming at the top of her lungs is hilarious and does it when she wants a laugh. I, on the other hand, don't find it amusing at all!


  1. so that's what she was doing wed night in class! cory and i would just look at each other in wonder! she'd scream and then just crack up!! ;)

  2. That is hilarious that she does it with other people too...oh wait...just kidding...not funny at all!

  3. yes she does this at soshine school too. I wonder what is going through her head:) One time it made me jump:)

  4. I hope she doesn't teach Addy that! : ) I have a feeling her older brother have had something to do with that!
