Friday, November 14, 2008

Eat your heart out Keith Urban

What do you do when your son asks you to straighten his hair? You gladly oblige.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandpa

The 24th of October was my dad's birthday. Since he's no longer here we let the kids write letters and send them up to him on balloons. I did not tell either of them what to write.

Catch's front...

(Catch on left, Grandpa on right.) This is funny because he remembers my dad how he looked after chemo - no hair. My entire life my dad had a full head of hair and a beard - this is the way I remember him.

The other side...


We also went and ate fried chicken - my dad's favorite! Colt would have made my dad proud; he sucked the chicken leg dry. We were going to take a picture of the bone, but it was lost in transition.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Break

I know it's been two weeks, but I've finally had a little time to sit and download all the pictures. Over fall break we spent a fun-filled week in Texas with my mom. (Sorry for all the pics.)

THE PUMPKIN PATCH... the kids were exhausted because we had drug them around Grapevine Mills mall before this. They didn't want to cooperate for many pictures, but they had a good time.

Catch checking out his...


Colt with his Clifford

A butterfly for Chenna.

THE STATE FAIR... we've made it a tradition to go to the Texas fair each year with my mom. If you want to experience a great state fair you have to cross the border!

Chenna before the ride...

Chenna during the ride...

If you can't tell she was screaming. All I could do was wait and take some pictures! Even after she got off she wanted to ride it again, but this time with me.

Big Tex

My little farmers

"Mom, hurry, take the picture so I can stop petting the goat."